I have come to discover that change is extremely dynamic. It is therefore fundamental that before instituting change in any set up that the impetus of such a decision be clearly understood and laid out.
Once the objects of any change are wrong then there is grave danger of the whole system caving in. The strategies, and factors of change will always be available and indeed they are as dynamic as the change in itself but the final destination where the change is to get you must never be forgotten because with that lost, you will be engaged in a vicious cycle, spend endless strategic meetings and hire and fire as many experts and laborers as there exist strategies.
It’s the number one point of frustration for any change manager, when the process owners do not seem to realize that the constant shifting of goal posts is straining to the expert, the organization as a whole. Once you get the goals clear, even if it takes long to achieve, you can always measure progress against the goals set in the first place.
That can then give a good indication of whether or not you chasing after wind or actually drawing closer to your desired state.
…by Norman Ondego
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