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Thursday, January 10, 2008


I am inclined to believe that if the current issues in Kenya are not addressed, Kenya may never be the same again. I am deeply convinced that the current violence being meted at perceived supporters of the government have nothing to do with the elections any more. I am convinced that the violence is a crude attempt to do what the new government was meant to bring and that is equitable distribution of resources.

Why am saying that is because the three top contenders all talked of this subject but none was in touch with the common folk on this issues as ODM was. It is common knowledge that ODM was seen as having the support of the 'Down Trodden' majority of Kenyans and PNU was seen as the party of the 'elitist' few. Why the ODM politicians have been defeated to calm down their supporters is because the legitimate chance they had to have their issues addressed was very much dragged away from them. Hence they resorted to crudely effect the Marshal plans they were promised.

Let it be on record that I strongly condemn the actions of violence.

One would ask what is the point in all this. Truth be told trouble started along time ago when Kibaki's presidency was seen to have betrayed the Narc dream. The two protagonist why by all means all popular candidates but Raila was seen as the favorite. This is because of the backing he had of all other 5 regions in Kenya that presented the majority of Kenyans who felt the system has always discriminated them.

The crisis we are in I believe has already crossed from political issues to socio-economic and this is what has brought about ethnic tension. Take for example if Kibaki resigns and Raila takes over how is he going to handle the already tense ethnic divisions? If Kibaki continues how is he going to address a people who do not recognize his leadership? Isn't that gonna widen the socio-economic rift already being experienced as we speak?

I see that the re-tallying process will bring us back to this space...
Re-run will bring us back to this space...

The only solution is a middle ground that involves power sharing and in my view not for political reasons but for the sake of reconciliation. Both parties if they were to rule would need a way of reaching out to the other side's supporters which right now they cannot even pretend to be able to do. They need to all effect the equitable distribution of resource that they all promised Kenyans.

It is sad that innocent poor have to die to fight for what the government has the responsibility of providing them. An assurance that their troubles are being taken care of. The middle class settle in an uncomfortable comfort while the elite few – very few i might add- look on with no concern.

If you really want to know that this is about resource and not votes parse then ask why is that only the poor in the slums and other remote areas are the ones that are seen to really fight. The election violence is what was seen in Kisumu on day one - the reckless looting- which was very stupid if you ask me. But that is all over now and what is happening is a quest for justice. Which has been compounded by the belief that their only legal mean was hijacked by a flawed election process.

My point now is that the rift created has been inculcated in the youth which then poses a threat to this country because i had a dream for the Kenyan youth. A people who were to salvage Kenya from the whims of tribalism and usher us to a new realm of togetherness.

I have quit being partisan and decided to be Kenyan.

and i do believe just like the ministry of Jesus (that dealt with one person at a time and today stands firm as the teaching with the largest number of followers) we can start the 'gospel' of reconciliation and hope.

Kenyan youth need to bring change to this country. It was clear at the polls when the elderly politicians were sent home. Let us all try and infiltrate the minds of as many youth as we an. I believe the change that Kenya needs is still in the offing. Its not political liberation that we need but a mindset liberation. We need a renewal of attitude as young people. We have a rallying call that we can fall behind and that is the fact that we still have a massive future ahead of us.
I am hoping to get fellows of like mind and together we can start a revolution of the Kenyan mind, culture and belief.

Long live Kenya, Long live our motherland.

I encourage criticism of this article and further contributions. These are my thoughts hence subject to correction.

Norman Ondego