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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The story is told

I have always wanted to share my life. you know, like do a memoir of my most memorable times in life. I had thought of doing a biography and time seems to be scarce even for the best of us and now I think I finally got the trick.
Just blog it out. When I get bored i will simply do my on-line book.
I will type away all that my heart has to offer. I will simply trace my life from childhood in brief headers to just ensure I pick out the times that made me who I am.
I do guarantee you a great read. I also guarantee lots of lessons amidst all these.


Born in a polygamous family I have learnt to live with rivalry and competition. I consider my siblings; 3 of them; the dearest assets I have in this world. They have stood with me in the wierdest of time and have always shown love inspite of what we may have been up against.

Lesson#1: Keep your family first above all else

Now despite all this we have never shown hatred for any one. we were brought up by our mother in as culture of love and sharing and to date some think its my biggest weakness, the selflessness i have towards others. I do believe it my strength as through that i have always been able to gain and meet and make long term friends.

Lesson#2: Do good always you never know what doors it will open

Notice I said we were brought up by my mother. Well I lost my father when I was was 12 years and I have known all but my mothers love. The demise of my father in itself had a lesson for me. When he was bed ridden I promised to go see him and always kept pushing it aside. On the day I decided to go visit it was on a closing day and I was to get a prize for being first in class and I was to go see him after the award ceremony. I was so excited but it was short lived coz while in the showers I heard my mother crying and I knew immediately it was over. He had succumbed to diabetes.

Lesson#3: Don't put till later what you have to deal with today for what lieth ahead you never know and most of the time it will interfere wuth what you plan to do.

Lesson#4: Always make time for those you love.

And well yes as you would probably have guessed we had the biggest pledges of love and undying loyalty from relatives and friend but i always ask myself then why is it that mom struggled on her own to raise us?
I am not complaining infact what i came to learn from that ordeal is this:

Lesson#5: If it has to come out the best way then you have to do it on your own. No one will raise your dream for you.

And so it was we were back in school thinking through how to get through school but by virtue of hard work, my headteacher decided to pay for my fees and she even went on to pledge that even after I am through with school she would take care of my brother's fee too.
This got me thinking:

Lesson#6: Your life isn't your own. What you do with it affects others around you.

And off course I didn't let any of them down. I worked hard throughout my school days and emerged top of my class every other term and eventually got myself to the best school in the country; STAREHE BOYS' CENTRE. And that I owe not to my own doing but the favour of God, the belief in me of my mother (I know it sounds no where close to English but its my blog so I insist) and the little effort of reading. I say little because ideally reading plays a very small part in our exams.

Lesson#7: Its the people around us who determine how well we are going to thrive either by encouraging or discouraging effort. The Ultimate result is that they have affected your height of success.

I know you have realised a trend in all these; there is a lot of emphasis that I am putting on unity and support especially of those closest to us - our Inner-circle

The story continues...